
Six-issue Comic Miniseries (Monthly)
September 2024-February 2025

Daryn Dall is just a normal dude working at a video game store when his life gets turned upside down by some freaky looking aliens, a journey into his own subconscious, and an intergalactic grassroots paramilitary group. Just another day at Game Space!

Writer Buddy Beaudoin, Artist Christopher Sassman, and Colorist Allison Hu kick off Corvus, a new epic 6 issue series for fans of Aliens, and Last Starfighter.


Buddy Beaudoin is a professional comic book letterer with credits under DC, MadCave Studios, Aftershock, Sumerian, Scout, and more. Corvus is his first written comic to not be self-published. He is stoked.

Christopher Sassman is a Cape Town based comic-book illustrator. His work ranges from satire and sci-fi to the downright absurd. Previous works include Corvus and Territory and he also hosts a “pretty ok” podcast on being a creative. Rather than comics, his inspirations tend to draw more from the world of film, namely from the likes of Park Chan-Wook and Quentin Tarantino. “Slow burns, subdued shots and concepts of duality are things I usually think about when working…”, he adds. 

Allison Hu is a colorist who has worked with Mad Cave, Boom, and many self-published works. When not at the desk, they can be found trying to seduce pigeons with a recorder.

Publisher: Dead Sky Publishing
Publication date: September 25, 2024
Language: English